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Sebastiano Bruni

Web Developer & Computer Programmer

Contact Me

About Me

I am Sebastiano, born in Urbino in 1990. I graduated from the G. Marconi Scientific High School in Pesaro, P.N.I. (National Informatics Plan) course; and later I graduated in Computer Science and Technology at the Faculty of Physical and Natural Mathematical Sciences of the University of Bologna, Cesena campus.
I am passionate about music and as an instrument I play the guitar.

My Projects

project name

LiveEditor ( - Live editor for HTML, CSS and Javascript

LiveEditor is a simple tool, like a rudimental CodePen, for live code editing for HTML, CSS and Javascript. It also has the functionality to save all written code in a single html file.

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project name

GuitarTools ( - Tools for music theory and guitar playing

GuitarTools is a useful tool for guitarists and musicians in general, that helps create chords and scales; and contains generic musical notions.

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Helping Docs Coming Soon

Simple documentation and tips for daily programming.

More on Docs

Work Experience

Web Developer - Parabolika Srl (2019 - Present)

Web development and telematics archive management at design studio.

Computer Technician - Vobis, Mono Informatica (2017 - 2018)

Computer technician and repairs in electronics store.

Computer Lab Technician - Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi (2015)

Technician and computer laboratory assistant at the G. Marconi High School, in Pesaro.

My GitHub

Thanks to IonicaBizau's GitHub Calendar GitHub Calendar widget that helps embed my GitHub contribution graph calendar.